Available in English and Danish with text and names for cuts. More languages will be added.
The entrys in the database used by the APP are validated by danish sous vide cooks, we just dont calculate our entrys, we test them over and over again to find the best results for you to explore the world of Sous Vide, to make your success in the kitchen, to make you become a masterchef.
We have build this APP as the one we our self wished for, to extend the limits of ours and yours fine dinning cooking.
As we will add more cuts, times and degrees, will we also futher develop the APP with more functions, we have a large idea catalog of extra functions for the APP, but would also invite you to provide us with your feedback and new ideas.
Bon Appetit
Stig, Christian and Morten
- the team behind SousVide Unlimited.

sous vide unlimited sousvide unlimited sousvideunlimited